Sunday, April 25, 2010

Mutt Strut

Today was the 2010 Indy Mutt Strut. We were super excited to go, as this was our first time! I'm so glad we were part of something so awesome, that raised so much money for the Humane Society of Indianapolis (over $370,000!)

Indy Pit Crew was/may have ended up as the largest corporate team, which was so neat. We surpassed our $5K fundraising goal about a week ago, and ended up at $5,775! All the money for this event goes to the Humane Society of Indianapolis. HSI has done a lot for Indy Pit Crew, in terms of backing them with shutting down Breed Specific Legislation attempts, and our educational mission, so it's great to be able to help give back to them.

They had been predicting rain all week, and each day the chance of it got higher. We had our ponchos ready and just knew we would be getting wet. I don't think we really thought about just HOW wet we'd get! We got poured on part of the way around the 2.5 mile track, but it was a great time. Spike and Josie were troopers and behaved like angels! Despite the weather, it was awesome to see how many people and dogs came out to do the walk. And the entire time we were walking, there were tons of cars just getting there (the walk went from 11-3pm). Same thing when we left the track. Way to go Indy, to support the homeless animals!

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